Do you like spare time DIYs and also spoiling your toothbrush for fun? Then I have a perfect idea for you, that too with more fun than thought. Follow the procedure and end up with a vibrating robot of your own. Not a difficult task, but just the effort to install a battery, and a pager motor on the head of a toothbrush, which can be controlled by a single vibrating (eccentric) motor. Don’t think I am trying to play with your teeth. Check out the video for your satisfaction.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Bristlebot: Spoil your brush in spare time for fun
Toyota Develops A Robot That Can Play Violin!
Still don't believe us? think that robo ain't as good as humans? Watch this amazing video:
i-Sobot Gets Wiimote and Nunchuck Controls
The i-Sobot may be the smallest humanoid robot that you can control, but actually controlling it requires you to enter in more difficult keypress combos than it takes to do a Babaility in Mortal Kombat. However, if you load up the i-Sobot with the Robodance 4 software, you can hook up a Wiimote and Nunchucks to control the robot. It's fairly easy to program—just pick an action from a giant list and then perform a gesture to map to it. You can even assign the Wiimote buttons to certain actions as well, which helps you do some more complex actions. The formal version won't be out until February, but if you want to help beta test you can get one in about a week.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Robot that solves Rubik’s Cube

This is the Cube-Kun shown earlier at the TEPIA exhibition in Tokyo. It is a robot that can solve the Rubik’s cube in seconds. It has a giant flat screen as his face. When you pass him the cube, he will recognize the six sides of cube looks like and displays on the screen and he will find the solution in about one second and he is ready to work. The Cube-Kun rubik’s cube robot is created by Kawasaki Heavy Industries.